The Collective Nouns - Credits
- Belcher, Marila ([email protected])
- Blackwell, Richard ([email protected])
- Brennert, Bob ([email protected])
- Broughton, Karl ([email protected])
- Carden, Dave M. ([email protected])
- Costello, Eve
- Crichton, Bruce ([email protected])
- Drew, Angi ([email protected])
- Erickson, Allan M. ([email protected])
- fisher ([email protected])
- Godwin, Duane ([email protected])
- Goers, Matt ([email protected])
- the Hacker's Dictionary
- Hanka, Greg ([email protected])
- Harris, Jason ([email protected])
- Harvard On-line Library
- Hasselbacher, Kyle ([email protected])
- Hubbard, Dan ([email protected])
- Janice ([email protected])
- Johanson, Karl ([email protected])
- John, Laura ([email protected])
- Karpel, Jr. , Philip F. ([email protected])
- Lena, Matthew ([email protected])
- luigi ([email protected])
- Mallick, Dave ([email protected])
- Meek, Chet ([email protected])
- Meyler, Dennis ([email protected])
- Moore, Liz ([email protected])
- The Morgan Factory
- Murphy, Patrick ([email protected])
- The November Newsletter of YABA
- Pederson, Adam ([email protected])
- Pournelle, Jerry, from a BYTE article
- Rachlin, David ([email protected])
- Roseman, Ted ([email protected])
- Ross, Terry ("TR" in the list), writer of Group Names for Birds
- Smith, Peter ([email protected])
- some web page
- some web page in Australia
- Tips, Tidbits, and Technical Topics
- Walden, Crane C. ("CCW" in the list, [email protected])
- Walsh, Lizanne ([email protected])
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Look, i'm still working on it... If you have any questions or comments,
contact me at
[email protected]